Oct 9, 21
A wonderful adventure of starting a side project
[Motivational] This is an opinion post to motivate you from a realistic point of view to start a side project

Aug 15, 21
Prototyping a Solar Powered Watering System with CircuitPython
[Beginner friendly] This guide will provide you the steps, materials and code to prototype a solar powered watering system using CircuitPython

Aug 15, 21
How to build an automatic cleaner v2.0
Following this guide you will be able to build an automatic cleaner

Jul 25, 21
How to build an automatic cleaner v1.0
[Possible soldering] A brief guide to build an automatic cleaner

Jul 14, 21
How to do the set up for Adafruit Circuit Playground Express (CPX) Simulator
[Beginner friendly] This guide you will help you to be able to start programming microcontrollers using the emulator

Jul 13, 21
Starting with Circuitpython in a device Simulator & CircuitPlayground (CPX)
[Beginner friendly] Work in progress